Branding & Design,
Mobile Applications

Your partner for efficient web presence
Branding & design
Everything starts with your visual identity.
We build your brand in order to meet your business goals and to make sure your messages are optimally conveyed to your clients.
Web Development
From planning to execution, we guarantee that your web project is built on rock-solid foundations.
To achieve that we only use the latest, safest and most performant Open Source technologies.
WhatsApp Integration
Connect your business to WhatsApp Business API using iStolar's status as an Approved ISV for WhatsApp. Connect with your users is sophisticated ways, inform them and have them engaged with your business 24/7.
Applications Mobiles
Mobile applications are an excellent way of increasing user engagement.
All of our mobile apps are managed directly from your website's CMS for efficiency, facility et optimal utilisation of your time.
Responsive websites
All of our websites are responsive - they adapt themselves to all screen sizes - laptops, desktops and mobile devices, thus providing an adapted experience to your clients, wherever they are.
Sell your products, services or event tickets; Manage your stock and send green invoices by email; Get paid by members and subscribers...
We use the best and most popular e-commerce system in the world.
Social Networks
Have your own private social network where your members can safely and efficiently communicate between themselves.
Be in control of your personal data and create a positive and engaged environment!
Our Projects
We are technology experts with a deep understanding of our clients and their business goals. We work with companies of all sizes including Fortune 500 companies, Governments, Publishers and NGOs as well as smaller companies and startups.
We take pride in producing visually stunning websites and user experience that enables audiences to engage.
Whether it’s newspaper websites, online catalogues, corporate website, CMS or complex backends for data-rich applications – iStolar is your digital partner for any web and open source project!
iStolar s’occupe de tous vos besoins numériques, dès la charte graphique, en passant par le choix des technologies, la réalisation complète de votre projet, jusqu’à la publication et l’hébergement de votre site web sur nos serveurs sécurisés en Europe.
Tous les produits sont à vous! Nous vous laissons toujours le choix d’intégrer d’autres professionnels dans le projet, que ce soit dans la phase du design, l’opération ou l’hébergement.
Zohar Stolar
Web Architect, Développeur & expert DevOps
Fondateur de Linnovate Technologies, un leader des technologies open-source (logiciels libres), avec 20 ans d’expérience dans la conception et la réalisation des systèmes en-ligne complexes et des sites internet avancés. Expert dans la mise en oeuvre des architecture d’hébergement sécurisés pour des sites de haut profil.
Connait le web de A-Z
Oren Rachum
Creative Director & Customer Experience
Fondateur de Alternative Digital, agence de communication qui excelle dans la création de web-identité unique et personnalisées pour proposer une haute qualité de design modern et attractif. L’agence est spécialisée dans toute la chaîne de création des sites internet efficace et adaptatifs. Elle porte une attention toute particulière à la compréhension de la demande et des attentes de l’usager.
Comprend les gens de A-Z

Zohar Stolar
Web Architect, Developer & DevOps expert
Founder of Linnovate Technologies, a leading open source software company, with over a decade and a half of experience in planning and building dozens of highly complex web systems and advanced sites. Expert in setting up complex and secure hosting systems for large sites with high activity. Now operating as an independent consultant in Europe.

Oren Rachum
Creative Director & Customer Experience
Founder and owner of an alternative digital agency which provides clients tailored digital solutions for creating distinct online presence. Alternative Agency has accumulated extensive experience in producing websites, from the planning, branding and user experience design stages to managing development stages and delivering responsive sites and high design quality.